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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

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เพศของฉัน : เพศหญิง
Age : 25
Live in : เม็กซิโก
Hi thereMy name is Jaisa, nice to meet you. I m a Mexican 25 years old girl. My hobbis is. Watch movies and series, listen to music, Play video games and Walk. I like animals a lot. o If you want a si...
เพศของฉัน : เพศชาย
Age : 19
Live in : เกาหลีใต้
안녕하세요こんにちは 일본어 & 문화에 관심이 있습니다. 日本語 文化に興味があります 일본인 친구를 만들고 싶어요日本人の友達を作りたい 일본어는 번역기를 사용합니다 日本語は...
เพศของฉัน : เพศชาย
Age : 34
Live in : เกาหลีใต้
저는 대한민국에 살고 있는 한빛입니다. 일본 문화에 관심이 많고 일본어를 차근차근 배워나가고 싶습니다. 같이 펜팔을 통해서 하나씩 알아가고 나중에는 전화하면서 일본어로 대화를 할...
เพศของฉัน : เพศหญิง
Age : 27
Live in : เกาหลีใต้
안녕하세요 저는 Olivia 라고해요한국 사람이고 현재 영어랑 일본어 배우는것에 관심이있어요. 일본어는 전혀 할줄 모르지만 영어로 대화는 가능해요저랑 친구해주셨으면 좋겠어요 감사...
เพศของฉัน : เพศชาย
Age : 40
Live in : เกาหลีใต้
Hellomy name is Ojoonfrom South KoreaI want make a friend and study history and language from other countriesI like travel other places anywhereKorea or other countriesreading a books and comicsI gree...
เพศของฉัน : เพศชาย
Age : 58
Live in : สหรัฐอเมริกา
HelloI am an orthopedic surgeon dedicated to improving mobility and enhancing the quality of life for my patients. With a strong passion for musculoskeletal health, I specialize in diagnosing and trea...
เพศของฉัน : เพศชาย
Age : 39
Live in : เกาหลีใต้
안녕하세요. 한국에서 일하는 평범한 사람입니다. 퇴근 후 소소한 이야기를 나누고 싶습니다. 일본과 중국에 관심이 있으며 영어공부 또한 관심을 가지고 있습니다. 올 여름엔 일본이나 ...